Artist Reflections Haley Dessauer Artist Reflections Haley Dessauer

Painting the Sacred Heart of Jesus

As I stare at the frayed ends of all my tiny detail brushes, I realize it’s time to call it quits on what has perhaps been the hardest paintings I’ve completed to-date. I repainted the flames on the Sacred Heart of Jesus four or five times. Maybe more…I honestly lost count as I added layer upon layer of paint. I probably spent more time painting just the flames on Jesus’ Heart than I did on the entire heart of Saint Joseph, lilies and all.

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Artist Reflections Haley Dessauer Artist Reflections Haley Dessauer

Where is My Gaze?

And the amazing thing? All those lines met right in front of the tabernacle. Right where that little white dot was painted in our priest’s hands. Right there in a tiny host we believe to be the Body of Christ.

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