eucharist, Live Wedding Painting Haley Dessauer eucharist, Live Wedding Painting Haley Dessauer

Adoro Te Devote Series: Barefoot Apologetics

It was my first time taking a boy to Mass with me. I had been seriously considering religious life at the time, and was confident that NO human being was going to stand in the way of me and a religious habit unless he be the spitting image of “John-boy Walton” himself: bare feet, book in one hand, writer’s notebook in the other...

He didn’t exist, which was good, because I was going to be a nun.

But this boy sitting next to me in the car on the way to Mass? He brought a book with him wherever he went and wrote at least one poem every single day.

Hmmm…2 points for him, I suppose.

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eucharist Haley Dessauer eucharist Haley Dessauer

Adoro Te Devote Series: Vol. 4 Invitation to Adore

All of the sudden, the lights in the auditorium went out, save one. And guess who just walked right out of thin air?

Matt Maher of course.

He started singing, and people lost it. I, not knowing who Matt Maher was at the time (a contemporary Catholic musician), just stood there with my mouth agape. All of the adults and chaperones had obviously withheld the fact that an all-out concert was to take place after Mass.

In all honesty, I hardly remember any of Matt Maher’s singing from that evening…but there is one moment I remember clear as day. One that changed my life.

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eucharist Haley Dessauer eucharist Haley Dessauer

Painting Reveal! Crown of Thorns Commissioned Art

When dealing with an idea that has yet to be fully formed,  like this commission, the process becomes a bit tricky, as ideas typically start off blurry and gradually gain clarity with time and prayer.

It’s not like the Saint Clare rush-order I completed a couple months ago, which required me to dress up like a religious sister, snap a pic…and paint!

This commission required phone calls, emails, many small mockups, and of course…prayer. But, with time, what was once a vague idea gradually became clearer.

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eucharist Haley Dessauer eucharist Haley Dessauer

Adoro Te Devote Series: Sacrifice

Another dad joined the struggle as he swayed a sobbing toddler back and forth the entirety of Mass as well. Our eyes met briefly at one point, and I saw the same yearning in his own face as he said, “Not how you’d expect Christmas Eve Mass to go, huh?”

His voice choked at the last of these words…

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Haley Dessauer Haley Dessauer

Adoro Te Devote Series, Vol. 1

A little over a year ago, I first heard about Our Church’s call for a National Eucharistic Revival, and I knew I wanted to do my part with the help of my trusty paintbrushes, but had no idea what to paint…

There were plenty of Catholic artists creating beautiful pictures of Monstrances, the Blessed Sacrament, etc.

And here I was suffering from extreme postpartum brain fog after the birth of our third baby. I have never experienced brain fog so bad in my life…I seriously felt like I had lost half of my mind.

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Artist Reflections Haley Dessauer Artist Reflections Haley Dessauer

Where is My Gaze?

And the amazing thing? All those lines met right in front of the tabernacle. Right where that little white dot was painted in our priest’s hands. Right there in a tiny host we believe to be the Body of Christ.

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